
  • Hip Replacement,

Questions to Ask About Hip Replacement Surgery

Fri, Jan 29, 2021

Living with chronic pain from hip arthritis can significantly impact your daily life, limiting you from enjoying daily activities you love or need to do. If you’ve already tried pain medications, physical therapy, and even pain-relief injections but are still having trouble getting around, it’s time to consider talking to your orthopedic doctor about hip replacement surgery.

Orthopedic surgeons treat all disorders of the bones, joints, and muscles. The first hip replacement surgery was performed decades ago, and today it is one of the most common and most successful joint replacement surgeries performed.

Of course, an informed patient is a more successful patient. The following is a list of questions to ask about hip replacement surgery aims to help make the risks more understandable and to feel comfortable with the surgical procedure – one that will get you moving again:

  1. How Will a Hip Replacement Help Me?
    • What benefits can I expect from hip replacement surgery in terms of pain relief and mobility?
    • How will the surgery impact my daily activities and overall lifestyle?
  2. What Will You Do During the Surgery?
    • Can you describe the hip replacement procedure and the types of artificial parts used?
    • What are the different methods of hip replacement surgery, and which one will be used in my case?
    • How long will the surgery take, and what are the expected outcomes?
  3. What Are the Risks of Hip Surgery?
    • Are there any specific risks or complications I should be aware of, considering my medical history?
    • How can I properly care for my incision area to prevent infection?
    • What symptoms should I watch for during recovery to detect any complications early?
    • Will I need to take medication to prevent blood clots, and are there other measures to reduce this risk?
  4. Additional Questions to Consider:
    • What is the recovery process like, and how long before I can resume normal activities?
    • Will I require physical therapy after the surgery, and for how long?
    • How can I prepare my home and daily life for post-surgery recovery?
    • Are there any lifestyle changes or precautions I should take after the surgery?

How Will a Hip Replacement Help Me?

Many treatments help mitigate hip pain and slow down the progression of hip arthritis pain. These include anti-inflammatory medications, heat therapy, massage, creams and ointments, exercise, physical therapy, and pain-relief injections.

However, if you’ve tried all these but still live in pain, you could be ready for hip replacement surgery. Your orthopedic doctor will evaluate your medical history and prepare for your hip replacement by discussing the types of hip surgeries available, like doctor hip arthroplasty or hip or knee joint replacement. They will determine how it would benefit your lifestyle.

Don’t believe that getting older means living in pain. Chronic pain can lose weight on your well-being, leading to depression and other health problems. It can interfere with sleep and self-care. Having a new hip can offer a fresh start, as you will experience drastically less pain or none at all, enabling you to walk and move with ease. Discuss with your doctor hip arthroplasty or doctor knee arthroplasty options if you’re considering a hip or knee replacement hip replacement.

What Will You Do During the Surgery?

The first hip replacement surgery was in the 1960s, with numerous advances since then. Your hip is a ball-and-socket joint, and a hip replacement procedure involves your surgeon replacing damaged tissues with artificial parts made of metal, ceramic, plastic, or a combination.

There are various types of hip replacement methods, from minimally invasive to traditional methods. Ask your surgeon about their planned surgical procedure, its duration, and expected outcomes. Inquire if the approach will be similar to doctor hip arthroplasty or a different technique.

What Are the Risks of Hip Surgery?

Everyone is different, so ask your surgeon if there is anything in particular that you are at risk for. As with all surgeries, infection is always a possibility – so be sure to care for your incision area exactly as your surgeon explains. Ask about when the dressing will come off and when you can get it wet. You should also understand what symptoms to watch for during recovery.

Another possible complication after hip replacement surgery is developing a blood clot. Ask your surgeon whether you will be taking medication for this (such as blood thinners) or if there are other ways to help prevent clots.

How Long Will I Be in the Hospital?

When it comes to hip replacement surgery, there are a lot of factors that are considered into how long you will be in the hospital – including which type of procedure is performed and your overall health. Patients used to spend around three days in the hospital, but today this surgery can be done as an outpatient procedure so you’ll go home later that day, and even a hospital stay is typically just one night at this point.

Is There Anything I Can Do to Make My Recovery Easier and Quicker?

Remember to ask about the recovery process and when you can leave the hospital after the hip replacement procedure. The most important thing you can do is to follow your orthopedic surgeon’s recommendations as well as your physical therapist’s instructions. Take your medications as prescribed, avoid doing things you are told to avoid, perform your physical therapy exercises as recommended, and follow up with your surgeon.

Hip Replacement Surgeon in the Triangle

If you have hip arthritis and unbearable hip pain, our friendly team is here to answer any questions you have about treatment, including hip replacement surgery. To seek the expert advice of Dr. Brett Gilbert about your unique concerns, contact us today by calling us at (919) 788-8797 or you can request an appointment with Dr. Gilbert using our appointment request form, or you can self-schedule your appointment here.

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